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Returns & Exchanges

Your satisfaction is very important to us and is our number one priority!
If you are not happy with your purchase, we will gladly accept returns or exchanges for new, unworn items if you contact us within 30 days of delivery. Please note that we don't accept returns for custom made items, such as engraved pieces.

Our official Return Policy:
- Please contact us within 30 days of delivery.
- Please ship the items back to us within 35 days of delivery.
- Please note that the customer is responsible for the return shipping fees.
- In the case of an eligible exchange - all shipping fees in the exchange process will be paid by the customer.

If you want to Contact us regarding a return, please fill out your details and send us a picture of the item that you want to return back to us. Our committed customer service team will respond shortly in order to assist you and send you the exact guidelines for your return.

If we made a mistake with your order or sent you a defective item, we are truly sorry!
This usually does not happen as our production team is making all efforts to engrave, assemble and package each order in the best way they can. We always try to provide handcrafted pieces in the best quality possible, but clearly mistakes can happen. Please provide your order number and a photo of the item to our customer service team using our Contact us page so we can reship the correct item asap.